Minors And Uranians

In astrology the asteroids a planetoids, like Chiron or Vesta, may say something more about subtle regions of incarnation.
  1. Chiron - limping warior of Greek mythology and tutor of Titans and Greek heroes - in radix and comparative charts this asteroid depicts the primary wound of soul that is never quite healed for the rest of the life but gives an understanding and ability to help others - as well as knowing of some of the weak points of others.
    Asteroid 2060 Chiron with diameter cca 230km from the group of Kentaurids was revealed for astronomy in 1977 and was originally classified as a planetoid. Its variable orbital fitting between that of Saturn and Uranus implies rather comet and it is also named 95P/Chiron.
  2. Ceres - mythological sister of Zeus and the Goddess of Earth - in horoscopes shows the ability of giving and depriving, the fertility, motherhood instincts and intuitive attractiveness of the other gender. It does lobbying for the necessary activities leading to continuity of life. It also suggest the unconscious approach taken in quarrel or rift. Its ancient Greek counterpart is most likely the goddess Demeter who aside of apparent lunar traits is a mother of Persephone. Similarly to Osiris of the old Egyptians she is connected to turn of the life and death.
    One of the early discovered asteroids with diameter nearly 1000 km is a mixture of ice and stones and it has almost one third of whole asteroid belt.
  3. Vesta - named after ancient Roman goddess the Keeper of the Hearth in horoscope delimits the area of innate hobbies and inclinations to show up and be unique or simply happy after the necessity has been dealt with. It corresponds also to ancient Greek Hestia, sentinel of the divine fire.
    The second most massive asteroid discovered in 1807, very bright and visible just with naked eye.
  4. Juno - Jupiter's legitimate wife (corresponds to ancient Greek's Her) in astrological chart maps to long term alliances and agreement, fulfilling promises and fidelity. It is usually questioned for its direct connection to spouse-related commitments and capabilities to live in long-term relationship. It indicates also selection of likely partner, outlines the character of relationship and may also reveal some of the key attributes of the inner partner.
    Approximately 10th biggest asteroid accounting for 1 percent of whole asteroid belt, with slightly heeled and rather elongated orbit.
  5. Pallas Athena - goddess of war and strategy, overpowering all Olympian, daughter of Zeus, born after Zeus swallowed her mother to prevent her (as she had threatened) from giving birth of a son more powerful than Zeus himself. Athena is said to pop out of Zeus's head in full hardware after an axe blow which is credited to either Prometheus or Hephaestus. In astrology it symbolizes the ability to transform the intuitive knowledge into thought, to make tactical plans and to be always a step ahead of opponents. As Zeus corresponds to Roman Jupiter Athena is said to be sister of Mercury (Hermes). In another version Athena is daughter of Poseidon (i.e. Roman Neptune); and yet another says god Triton cared for Athena as well as for his own daughter Pallas and both goddesses were able to develop their warrior capabilities jointly.
    The astronomical body of Athena belongs to biggest asteroids and may occasionally be observed by simple telescope; her discovery dates shortly after Ceres, registered in 1801 on the orbital between Mars and Jupiter, and for a short time there were commuted. With just a bit bigger diameter than that of Vesta and roughly half of that (about 540 km) of Ceres it however has only about one fifth of Ceres's mass. The name of the element Palladium comes from this asteroid's name because of time synchronicity of both discoveries.
    In a horoscope this tricky and feared goddess unconditionally loyal to her father relates to the intellectual gifts and emotional intelligence and also to courage and the ability of instant improvisation.