Here you can find answers to questions concerning astrology and the health, lifestyle, fitness, psychology, body-talk, physiognomy and related areas the way they are treated at
astrology counselling and school Hvězda after two decades of everyday astrological service to our clients also based on the knowledge of old times now largely forgotten and unavailable to public. It was good fortune or destiny's favor for Hvezda's founder to become familiar with Prague castle archives of Rudolf II - the Holy Roman Emperor of late middle ages, a great supporter of occultism and famous scientists, alchemists and astrologers of the time - long before it was founded.

You can learn about what are the important principles of astrology and its philosophic foundations. Basic facts about celestial bodies may be found here as well - who ever looks at the sky in these times of abundance of digital means?

You will realize the concept of astrological signs and houses, the elements and modalities and understand the role of the celestial objects traditionally called planets by astrologers though they are frequently no planets from today astronomy's view. You may learn about astrological aspects and the importance of planetoids and asteroids. You will understand the basics of sky geometry and the dynamics of the orbital system in relation to the events deep bellow on mundane plains of Earth.